
A quick look at my process for one of large carved jars. Each jar is thrown on the wheel in stoneware, torched during the drying process to speed it along, painted with a thin layer of porcelain slip, and hand carved. To View her portfolio, please visit her website: stoneforestpottery.com

Every piece of pottery starts with a lump of clay.  

After cutting and wedging, the lump is either  thrown on the wheel or rolled into clay slabs for hand-building.  A vessel is formed, set to dry to leather hard and then trimmed and finished with handles or feet.  At this point a layer of colored clay slip may be painted onto the surface through which a design will be carved onto the piece.  My work is often embellished with sculptural elements, carving, and slip-trailing.  The piece is set to dry completely, then fired to bisque temperature.  Glazes are sprayed, dipped or poured, and the piece is fired again for a final time.  In some cases a piece may be reworked or more details added and then fired a third time.  All of my work is hand made, and all designs, including sculptural, are created free-hand. No molds or patterns are used. Every piece is "one of a kind" and could never be reproduced exactly.  Many of my larger pieces may take up to two months to complete.

I use both stoneware and porcelain and fire at cones 6 to 10 in both oxidation and reduction, and participate in a local wood firing a couple times a year.  Most of my glazes are made here in the studio and all are lead-free.  

Each piece is made individually entirely by hand, and so no two pieces will ever be "exactly" alike. I make every effort to match pieces in a set as closely as possible, but the variations in form and finish are actually what give the work charm and value as "handmade" art.